China International Import Expo Sub-forum

Green Technology Smart City | Yangtze River Delta Integration

International Forum of Green Science & Technology Fusion


Time: November 6, 2019, 08:30-18:00
Venue: 59th Floor, Baiyulan Square, Shanghai, China (No. 501, Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai))

Green technologies, such as renewable energy, resource recycling, and green finance, have become the core soft power of China’s development, playing an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable development and South-South cooperation, and are also an important way to promote global integration. In May 2019, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued opinions on the development of a green technology innovation system, and proposed to basically establish a market-oriented green technology innovation system by 2022.

In order to actively respond to the national strategy of the Yangtze River Delta integration proposed by President Xi Jinping at the 2018 Expo, under the joint guidance of relevant ministries and relevant departments of Shanghai, the Hongkou District People’s Government of Shanghai and the Suzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone Administrative Committee During the second session of the Expo, on November 6, 2019, the first “International Green Science and Technology Integration Forum” will be co-sponsored in Shanghai with the theme of “Green Technology Smart City and Yangtze River Delta Integration” and authorized Shanghai The Hongkou Green Industry Development Center and other institutions act as the organizers to form the forum secretariat.

From the perspective of green technology, this forum comprehensively demonstrates how the green technology system relies on Internet technology to integrate with big data, space technology and financial instruments in the process of international and domestic economic development and urbanization. The forum invites international organizations, South-South cooperation and representatives of international green technology companies, local governments and enterprises with leading green technologies in developing countries to discuss green technology standards, transformation and trade, and how green technologies are present and future. Ways to meet the needs of sustainable development.


November 6th, 2019

8:30 am




9:00 am
Opening Ceremony

Opening Remarks
Guest Speech
The Path Choice of Green Economy Development for Big Developing Countries
Incubating Green Technology to Promote City Green Industry
Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) in the Yangtze River Delta on the Balanced Inclusive Green Growth (BIGG) Path

9:55 am
Session 1: Embedded Green in Integration of Yangtze River Delta

Sustainable Development needs Integration
Leading Remarks
Signing Ceremony for Proposing Integration of Yangtze River Delta
Presentation of Shanghai Hongkou District
Green Leading Business innovation – The Brief introduction of Shishan Business Innovation Zone (In Preparation)
Signing Ceremony
Strategic Agreement between Green Technology Bank and Suzhou High-tech Zone Administration
Other Signing Ceremonies
Green Technology Innovation Town
Integrating Shanghai with Suzhou for Coordinated Development – Building a Demonstration Zone for Ecological and Green Integrated Development in Yangtze River Delta, Nanxun Cooperative Area

11:30 Am
Session 2: Embedded the Integration of Yangtze River Delta in Global SDGs

Nordic Smart City and Sustainable Development
Smart City Sweden
Promoting Trade & Investment Sustainable Development by Construction of international Platform.
Growth Strategy for Green Market under the SDGs Framework
Sustainable Development Planning and Governance
The Release of International Green Science City Program

12:40 pm
13:30 PM
Session 3: Embedded Green Technology and Green Innovation Tools in the Green City Construction

Intruduction of Green Technology Innovation Town Development, and Investment & Financing Model
Fostering High Value Patents to Build Core Technological Competencies for Green Industries
Panel 1: How can Green Financial Tools promote the Application of Green Technology in Green City Construction
IB’s Green Finance Promote Urban Green Development
Green Finance Creates Future
Panel Discussion
Panel 2: Green Technology Standards and Green Supply Chains
Evaluation Standard of Green Technology and its application in GTB
Green Supply Chain Action in Real Estate industry
Panel Discussion

16:00 PM
Coffee Break
16:15 PM
Session 4: Best Cases of North Bund International Green Technology Partnership


The Best Case of Smart City
Big Data Supports Building Desing and Intelligent Control: Tow Cases
Ecosystem Construction of Smart Buildings for the Future
Urban Data Lakes Makes the Urban Digital ‘Twins’ Come True
The Best Case of Sustainable City
Sustainable Cities: The Role of Community and Co-Creation with Examples of Urban Innovation in Europe and China
Urbanism, Vision, Smart Cities, Global Practice and Leadership
Ecosystem Conservation & Restoration: The Harmony between Human and Nature Environment
Panel Discussion

18:00 PM
Closing Ceremony of the Conference


Wang Jin

Director of Guohe International Energy Consulting Institute
Mr. Wang Jin, director of Guohe International Energy Consulting Institute, used to be the director of Institute of International Energy, International Cooperation Center, National Development and Reform Commission, is also the vice president of New Energy International Investment Alliance (NEIIA).
Mr. Wang graduated from Renmin University of China, and Emory University in USA, where he was awarded his doctor degrees. His research spans across fields such as energy economics, environmental economics, and government efficiency.

Yang Chaofei

Vice President of All-China Environmental Protection Federation, Adjunct Professor of Wuhan University, etc.
Since 1978, Mr. Yang Chaofei has been engaged in environmental protection work and served as the deputy director, director and chief engineer of the state environmental protection administration, and the department of ecology and environment. He is the vice president of All-China environmental protection federation and adjunct professor of Wuhan university. He used to participate in the drafting of environmental protection law, air pollution prevention and control law, water pollution prevention and other important regulations and documents; He was the first to participate in promoting the research and practice of China’s major policies such as green credit, green insurance, environmental protection tax, and environmental damage compensation system.

Mohan Munasinghe

The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Prof. Mohan Munasinghe is Founder Chairman of the Munasinghe Inst. of Development (MIND), Colombo, Vice Chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR4), who shared the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace. He has earned post-graduate degrees in engineering, physics and development economics from Cambridge University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGill University and Concordia University. Prof. Munasinghe has also received several honorary doctorates. Highlights from 40 years of distinguished public service include working as Senior Energy Advisor to the President of Sri Lanka, Advisor to the United States Presidents Council on Environmental Quality (PCEQ), and Senior Advisor/Manager, World Bank.

Narmandakh Luvsan

Senior Officer of South-South Cooperation of UNEP
Ms. Narmandakh Luvsan is a Senior Officer with many years’ experience in both the UN and UN Environment. She has 28 years of development aid experience within the UN and the World Bank. Nara has developed policies, as well as negotiated, planned and supervised implementation of programmes in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. She assumed lead role and/or contributed to environmental economics, migration policy, refugee reintegration, post-conflict reconstruction efforts, gender and child policies/programs in Mongolia, multiple Eurasian countries and globally.

Gao Peng

Senior Commercial Officer
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing
Dr. Gao Peng, Senior Commercial Officer of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing.
Dr. Gao Peng has many years of senior management experience in Chinese large enterprises and Norway-China Joint ventures, EMP (Energy & Environment) Project Manager of the Commercial Section of Norwegian Embassy from 2009. Currently as the Senior Commercial Officer of the Norwegian Embassy as well as CEEEP Project Manager, focus on Green Smart City and Sustainable Development, Clean Energy & Energy Efficiency, as well as environment protection technologies & industries development etc.

Ronny Arnberg

Mr. Ronny Arnberg has over 40 years’ experience from municipal infrastructure including waste management, water supply, wastewater treatment, and transport. He also has extensive international experience form IFI-projects in countries such as Russia, China, India, Moldova and many others. He is currently responsible for the transport system of waste management, the municipality’s biogas, compost facility, etc. He developed and implemented the first waste plan ever presented in the municipality which included a 100% waste sorting, for recycling. The waste plan was also the first of its kind in Sweden at the time.

Wang Li

Director for Division of International Training Affairs of CCPIT (CCOIC) Training Center
Mrs. Wang Li, Director for Division of International Training Affairs of CCPIT (CCOIC) Training Center, has 20 years international working experiences. She has creatively promoted sustainable trade and investment capacity building projects within the framework of South-South cooperation with numerous international organizations, including the United Nations International Trade Centre (ITC). As an Expert certified by ITC, she delivered workshops on how to improve the global competitiveness for SMEs which targets at practitioners from Trade Promotion Organizations and business community.

Deng Jihai

Legal Representative and Executive President of the International Green Economy Association;
Senior Researcher, Institute of Open Economic Strategy, University of International Business and Economics;
CPPCC member, Chaoyang district, Beijing;
Member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council China Network.
Mr. Deng Jihai is the earliest social organization promoter of China’s green economy development. He is the founder of the international green economy association and has successively led the work of the international green economy association in partnership with counsellor Feng Zhijun of the State Council and deputy secretary-general Sha Zukang of the United Nations. He created the Chinese first “green think-tank”, which collaborated more than 500 authority think-tank experts, 5000 Chinese and foreign green technology enterprises. He is one of the most important representatives of China’s green economy, who served more than a dozen cities as the governments’ green development planner.

Karen Q. Zhang

Director, Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development
Prof. Karen Q. Zhang has been committed to the research and development for education for sustainable development since 2002 and she is active in planning and promoting education for sustainable development and programs. Prof. Zhang is the Director of Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development; Expert Advisor & Chair of the Expert Committee of UNESCO Asia-Pacific Institute of ESD; Executive Director (Hong Kong) of National Working Committee for UNESCO Project on ESD; Vice-president & Secretary-general of UNESCO Hong Kong Association; Director of World Institute of Sustainable Development Planner.

Jiang Nanqing

Vice President of Shanghai Hongkou Green Industry Development Institute;
Secretary-General of China Plastics Reuse and Recycling Association (CPRRA)
Ms. Jiang Nanqing, PhD in Ecology, graduated from Beijing Normal University. She was the associate professor of Beijing Normal University. Ms. Jiang worked in in UNEP China Office as the national officer during 2008-2018. She joined CPRRA in Oct. 2018, and took CPRRA as the first China Sectoral Association to join Global Commitment raised by Ellen MacArthur Foundation and UNEP of “New Plastics Economy” in late 2018. She also serves the external expert of EU-China Environmental Policy and Circular Economy Dialogue, WWF International Consultant on Plastics. She is also the vice president of Shanghai Hongkou Green Industry Development Institute to implement the international cooperation at sector and city level.

Ni Shoubin

Professor of TongJi university
Chief Legal counsel of Green Technology Bank of china(GTB)
Prof. Ni Shoubin has served as the Dean of school of law of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) from 2014-2019, Professor Ni is a member of dissertation guidance committee of Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS), and member of council of Chinese Commercial Law Society, the Director of professional committee of Trust Law of Financial Law Research Chamber of Shanghai Law Society. Professor Ni is not only a professional financial judgment consultant of Shanghai Court, but also an arbitrator of Shanghai Arbitration Commission.

Joan Zhou

Vice Director of Building Energy Efficiency Center, New Energy Institute, Tongji university;
President of Shanghai Hongkou Green Industry Development Institute;
Member of Green Building Youth Council
Ms. Joan Zhou has over 16 years’ experience relating to green building design & consulting, low-carbon planning. Her studies include sustainable building, low-carbon city, green technologies for large public hub and sustainable sociology. As a green building consultant and project manager, Ms. Zhou involved in dozens of green building design and consulting, relating to green building system such as LEED, BREEAM, and won lots of awards. She served as a China program leader for the World Sustainable Business Council (WBCSD) Building Energy Efficiency Laboratory (EEB 2.0). Ms. Zhou was also a member of Group of Experts for Regional Energy in UNEP.

Sun Yanyan

Director of Ecocity Big Data Center of China Academy of Building Research Co., LTD. Shanghai branch
Ms. Sun Yanyan, chief editor of ”EcoCity Case and Guide”. Ms. Sun participated in the preparation of the standards, such as the ”Assessment Standard for Green Eco-district” in Shanghai, the ”Standard for Acceptance of Green Building Construction” in Shanghai, and the ”Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings” in Shanghai, etc. In addition, she organized the Legislative Investigation of Shanghai Green Building Regulations, the Specialized Planning of Shanghai Green Building during 13th Five-year Plan and other policy formulations. Moreover, the establishment of Shanghai Green Building Development Report from 2015 to 2017 were all organized by Yanyan Sun. Even more noteworthy is she was awarded the title of Outstanding Builder of 2016 Shanghai Key Project Achievement Competition.

Xiong Li

Assistant President/Director of Investment CBD Fund
Mr. Xiong Li, Ph.D. in Economics. He is currently the Assistant President/Director of Investment CDB Urban Transportation Fund, General Manager of GuoTai Yunhe (Suzhou) Investment Development Co., Ltd., the main development company of Green Technology Innovation Town, and the Deputy Secretary-General of China Strategic Alliance of Smart city industrial and Technology innovation.

Xie Hongxing

Director, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA);
Founder, Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions (ICCS).
Mr. Xie Hongxing, director of BCAA, and founder of ICCS, graduated from the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. Mr. Xie has obtained an array of professional qualifications on innovation and patents, including the MATRIZ CEM, DFP, Intellectual Property Management System, and External Auditors of Intellectual Property Management System. He is an accredited Energy Manager (CEM) by the Association of Energy Engineers of the US and a certified auditor for both ISO14001 and cleaner production. Previously, Mr. Xie has over 15 years of industry experience. He served at professional consultancies and international organizations in Clean technology and environmental protection.

Zhao Jianxun

Deputy Division Chief, Green Finance Department, Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.
Mr. Zhao Jianxun completed his studies in human machine environmental engineering in Beijing Institute of Technology. Since 2009, Mr. Zhao has joined in the Green Finance Department of Industrial Bank Co., LTD. Since 2012, he has been serving as the Deputy Division Chief of Green Finance Department. Mr. Zhao has more than 10 years of energy efficiency technical working experience and more than 10 years of green finance working experience. Mr. Zhao has done lots of exploration and practice in green credit statistics, green finance policies, energy efficiency finance and green building finance fields.

Jin Shang

Senior Product Manager Green Finance,
Investment Banking Department
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co.,Ltd
Ms. Jin Shang, with nearly 15 experiences in investment banking and many years’ consulting working experience, has worked in famous consulting companies and banks. She has participated in the financing and capital operation projects of nearly 100 large and medium-sized enterprises, participated in the issuance of the first green financial bond in China, and has presided over many major provincial and ministerial research topics such as the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China, and Shanghai Local Financial Supervision. Ms. Jin is a specialist of the Energy Conservation Service Industry Committee of China Energy Conservation Association. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in International Finance from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

Meng Shirong

Senior Consultant, IFC of World bank Group
Since 2016, Mr. Meng Shirong has been serving as senior consultant of IFC for green building advisory & assessment of World Bank Group investment projects including new district development and corporate real estate, technical support on EDGE green building tool & global certification, research projects with MOHURD and local government, and support on green financing scheme.

Pan Tao

Director of Institute for Sustainable Environment and Energy (ISEE)
Dr. Pan Tao is the institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC)’s Urban Director in China under contract through the China-based NGO Institute for Sustainable Environment and Energy (ISEE), a think tank which he founded. Dr. Pan has more than 15 years of practical, applied experience in urban sustainability planning and implementation, and has worked on successful environmental planning and management, and energy efficiency. Prior to founding ISEE, he served as ISC’s China Urban Program Director for the U.S.- China Partnership for Climate Action (PCA), a public-private partnership supported by numerous Chinese and U.S. government agencies, and by top multinational corporations. Prior to ISC, Pan worked as a technival advisor for the Clinton Climate Initiative (C40-CCI) and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Eco-City planning and management program.

Barry Chen

CEO,Beijing PengYouBao Technology Co.,Ltd
Barry Chen, a qualified actuary, completed his master degree of Actuarial science and mathematical finance in the University of Amsterdam. He worked for MS Amlin (a company of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group in UK) and Allianz Netherlands Group. He was also the member of the innovation committee. He is currently the CEO of PYB InsurTech, an insurance related technology company. PYB InsurTech is listed in the Beijing Equity Trading center (trading code: 100081) and is a National High & New Technology Enterprise. Meanwhile, PYB InsueTech is the Champion of 2018 Global OTEC Competition and 2018 Annual winner of Zhongguancun creating the youth – U30.

Zhou Weidong

China Director, World Business Council for Sustainability Development (WBCSD)
Mr. Zhou Weidong, China Director of World Business Council for Sustainability Development (WBCSD), and he is responsible for setting the strategic direction of all WBCSD programs in China as China Director. Wei Dong Zhou joins WBCSD with more than 20 years of experience in Chinese government, non-profit organization management, CSR and sustainability strategy, EHS (Enterprise Safe and Health) and both state owner sector and multinational companies. Prior to joining WBCSD, Mr. Zhou was the former Executive Secretary -General of Alliance of Green Consumption and Green Supply Chain (GCSG) in China. He also established TSC China office as Managing Director for 5 years.

Li Shenhao

Department Manager of Architecture and Sustainable Development, Bureau Veritas Consulting(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd;
Secretary General of Shanghai Hongkou Green Industry Development Institute
Mr. Li Shenhao has more than 10 years experience in the field of architecture and sustainable development and international engineering consulting. He also has rich experience in green building consulting, energy-saving transformation, sustainable development and many others. Mr. Li holds many qualification certificate such as the LEED AP qualification for new buildings and planning, and World bank EDGE auditor and expert. He has nearly 10 years NGO experience in green buildings and sustainable development. Meanwhile, Mr. Li is also the representative of international and China roundtable conference at USGBC, and the national Vice President for the environmental working group of EU chamber of commerce.

Guo Ru

Associate Professor;
Deputy Director, Institute of Environmental Planning and Management, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
Prof. Guo holds a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering and a Bachelor’s Degree of Environmental Engineering from Tsinghua University. She was a visiting scholar of University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champion in USA. She has worked closely with expert from United Nations Environment Programme on the International Evaluation of Chongming Eco-Island, which has been taken as a showcase in the textbook of UN green economy. She serves as the Evaluation Expert of National Natural Science Fund and vice president of Shanghai Ecological Economic Society.

Xie Yuanjian

National 1st Class Registered Architect
Senior Engineer,
VP & CTO of Landsea Group,
Mr. Yuanjian Xie, with an EMBA degree from CEIBS, has graduated from the Department of Architecture, Logistics Engineering College of PLA in 1987. From August 1987 to 2003, he successively served as architect and chief architect in Nanjing Military Region Architectural Design Institute. Since 2003, Mr. Xie has been working in Landsea Group, successively served as the Director of Technology Research and Development Department, the General Manager of Product Research and Development Center, the Vice President and Chief Technical Officer. China Passive Building Alliance (CPBA) was founded in 2014, and Mr. Xie was elected as the first rotating chairman and reappointed consecutively as the rotating chairman in January 2017.

Gao Si

Head of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute China Team;
General manager of IVL Swedish Environmental Technologies (Beijing) Company Ltd.
One of the main organizers for SAVE 12.3 platform
Ms. Gao Si has served as the head of the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute China Team since 2007. She is responsible for the overall management, administration and leadership for whole IVL China team. Ms. Gao coordinates the team development and represents IVL in China. Besides this, Mrs. Gao is also one of the responsible and launching person for the SAVE12.3 (SDG 12.3 goals supporting) China Base. Before IVL, Mrs. Gao has served in the Sino-Swedish (Tianjin) Environmental Center for over 3 years. She holds a master’s degree in environmental science.

Quinnie Li

General Manager of BRE China
Ms. Quinnie Li is the newly appointed General Manager of BRE China. Quinnie was previously the Vice President of a leading engineering company. She was also one of the youngest female partners at her previous company and the first to assist the organization in establishing its Asia practice. Quinnie has a BA in Architecture and Urban Planning with a concertation in Business Administration from UC Berkeley and is pursuing an EMBA from London Business School/Columbia/Hong Kong University. She is also qualified accredited professional of various green building standards from China, US and UK.

Xu Peng

Doctoral Supervisor, Professor at Tongji University Doctoral Supervisor, Professor at Tongji University Prof. Xu Peng obtained his Doctorate degree from University of Colorado, formerly served as a scientist in the department of architectural technology at Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory. He is currently a professor and PhD supervisor at the institute of HAVC and gas, Tongji university. Pro. Xu has also served as chairman of intelligent building system committee of ASHRAE, foreign distinguished expert of BEEC (Beijing energy conservation and environmental protection center), member of expert committee of China Association of Low Carbon, editorial board member of ISO building carbon emission measurement standard committee. 

Chen Zuxin

The Chairman of Longxin Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Mr. Chen Zuxin, graduated from Fudan University in Business of Administration, holds the title of Research Level Senior Engineer and Senior Economist. Since taking over Longxin Construction Group Co., Ltd. as Chairman in 2003, Mr. Chen has been leading the Group to continuous expansion, and Longxin Group has been listed among the “Top 500 Chinese Enterprises” for years. Mr. Chen currently sits as the Executive Director of the 8th Council of China Real Estate Association, and is the Director of Housing Technical Committee. Mr. Chen is also the Vice Director of National PC Industry Technical Innovation Alliance, and was awarded the honorary title of model worker of National Housing and Urban and Rural Construction system.

Sun JianHong

VP & CTO,BeiJing E-HuaLu Info-Tech Co., Ltd.
Mr. Sun JianHong, senior engineer , VP & CTO of BeiJing E-HuaLu Info-Tech Co., Ltd.
Leading the research and industrialization of city data Lake technology system and key AI application of smart city.
The research achievements won the first prize of science and technology progress of the Ministry of public security once, the second prize of application innovation of China Intelligent Transportation Association twice, and published many papers.

Annette Erpenstein

Associated partner CONSTELLATIONS International Associated partner CONSTELLATIONS International Ms. Annette Erpenstein serves since 2004 as official representative for the German Chamber of Architects Germany, in South-Korea, the US and China. From 2004 to 2007, she worked as adjunct-professor in the department of urban planning at the University of Seoul in South-Korea. In Seoul, she also worked for the German Embassy, German Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. Annette worked in Germany from 1991 to 2004 and 2010 to 2014, first in the public service and later on in private architectural and city planning firms as an urban planner, project developer and moderator for all kinds of urban planning projects and public hearings.  

Gregory A. Yager

GW Design Consultant Group. Shanghai, Los Angeles, Las Vegas GW Design Consultant Group. Shanghai, Los Angeles, Las Vegas Mr. Yager is currently the General Manager of the AIA Shanghai WOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise). Mr. Yager served as the leader of the RTKL global expansion leadership council and as the global director of the Planning and Urban Design group of RTKL.He also served as the global leader of ARCADIS (RTKL’s parent company) Global Master planning, Urban Design and Sustainable Development group and served as the Shanghai City Director for the ARCADIS Global City Program. His global understanding of practice and culture allowed him to engage in the creation of the AIA Shanghai Chapter where he served as its Founding President.

Chen Shouling

Director, Env. & Eco. Department, Tus Design Group
Mr. Chen Shouling, director of Environmental and Ecological Department, Tus-Design Group, obtained his Master’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering with an emphasis on water resources and environmental Engineering. Mr. Chen is a Professional Engineer registered in Alberta, Canada, a registered international expert in ADB (Asia Development Bank), with over twenty year professional experiences in Environmental and Ecological Planning & design area in North America, Australia and Asia.

Shi Daohong

Executive Director of FTA Architectural Design Firm
Mr. Shi Daohong has a master degree of architecture from Tongji University. Since 2012, Mr. Shi has been the executive director of FTA Architectural Design Group. He is an acknowledged expert in industrial parks and office design. Over the past 20 years, Mr. Shi has presided over the design and construction of more than 100 industrial parks around China. Mr. Shi also holds a large number of green architectural design practices. He has been advocating that “green design is not a choice, but a must” and achieved honorary titles of “China’s green building design pacesetter”.

Wang Xin

Executive Director of Green Science and Technology Development Center;
Former Chief Science and Environment Adviser to WWF
Ms. Wang Xin has led a series of forward-looking projects globally, including using blockchain technology to track consumers’ contributions to sustainable development, and advocating the promotion of plastic recycling/replacement technology, and many other advanced technologies to upgrade environmental protection.
Before join the GGTC, WWF and other organizations, she served as an executive in Europe, United States and Asia Pacific for more than 15 years as a global production line developer and market explorer for technology companies and fortune 500 companies, managing over hundreds of millions of dollars of business. Ms. Wang holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Nanjing university and a Master’s degree in management science from Cranfield University (United Kingdom).

International Cooperation Center of NDRC
Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization
Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce
Shanghai Hongkou District Municipal Goverment
Administrative Committee of Suzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone
Administrative Committee of Jiangdong Business District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Nanxun District Municipal Government, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province
Wuxing District Municipal Government, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province
Administrative Committee of Huainan Technical Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province
Management Center of Green Technology Bank
Implemented by
Shanghai Hongkou District Commission of Commerce
Shishan Business Innovation Zone, Suzhou National Hi-Tech District (In Preparation)
Economic Development Committer of Suzhou National Hi-Tech District
Suzhou National Hi-Tech District Bureau of Commerce
Shanghai Hongkou Green Industry Development Institute

Guest of Honour
South-South Cooperation of UNEP
Norwegian Embassy
Word Bank/The International Finance Corporation
Investment CDB Urban Transporation Fund
Guohe International Energy Consulting Institute
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
(China Chamber of International Commerce) Training Centre
Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences
Word Business Council for Sustainability Development (WBCSD)
BRE Group
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Green Technology Bank Institute
International Green Economy Association
Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development
The EU Chamber of Commerce
Tongji University
Bureau Veritas

Invited Angencies
Longxin Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Landsea Group
Shanghai Environment & Energy Exchange Co., Ltd.
Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA)
Shanghai Port Group Logistics Co., Ltd.
Beijing E-HuaLu Info-Tech Co., Ltd.
Beijing PengYouBao Technology Co., Ltd.
China Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
GW Design Consultant Group
Tus-Design Group
FTA Architectural Design Firm
Institute for Sustainable Environment and Energy (ISEE)
Global Green Technology Development Center (CGTC)
Xingyuejie (Shanghai) Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Innovation Center of AVIC United Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.


Room 313, 3/F, Platinum Bay Plaza, Block B, 99 Bund Road, North Bund, Shanghai, China. ZIP: 200082

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