Green Big Data Center

The center gathers experts in green cities, building energy conservation, computers, automation, mathematics, etc., and conducts big data collection, analysis, statistics and applied research around the construction industry. Improve the use of data in the construction industry through software development, equipment development, online platforms, and research and development of big data centers.

What We Do

Urban building energy saving calculation method and tool based on big data

Building energy efficiency green financial methods and tools

Research and construction of building materials standards and databases based on green supply chain

Urban building energy saving calculation method and tool based on big data

The big data method is used to analyze and mine the typical building data information of the city, and further develop the evaluation tool of energy saving and project energy saving sharing income. Through project implementation, it solves a series of key technical problems such as building and electromechanical equipment information standardization, cloud database construction, big data-based model construction, building operation optimization management based on real-time operational data and energy efficiency evaluation system construction, and realizes the whole process based on the whole process. Data building energy efficiency management. At the same time, improve the accounting, forecasting and verification of building energy savings assessment. Combined with the research areas of Task Packages 2 and 3, it lays the foundation for the development of project financing tools such as contract energy management and energy conservation.

Building energy efficiency green financial methods and tools

Study the current status of domestic and international green finance policies and tools, adjust and motivate the interests of key stakeholders through potential green financial instruments and their implementation plans, find viable financial support policies for the government, and design feasible for financial institutions. Financial tool. Based on accounting data, development methods are used to determine the strength of typical policies and the structure of typical financial instruments. The project team will focus on about six financial instruments, each with a focus on checking its viability in domestic and international target cities, such as green bonds, carbon trading, tax and subsidy programs, funds and some public funds.

Research and construction of building materials standards and databases based on green supply chain

The construction of a nationwide green supply chain building materials system can promote the comprehensive upgrading of the building materials industry and solve the environmental problems of building materials manufacturing from the perspective of green supply chain management. At the same time, the system will affect the upgrading of green building related standards and drive the progress of related industries. The project aims to study the category and performance of green building materials, build an authoritative green building materials standard system, and select green building materials products and suppliers based on this standard, establish a database for society and industry, and develop corresponding EPD certification procedures and Application demonstration.

  • Storage Standard – Green Building Materials Database Methodology
  • Building materials database, build a credible national-level green building materials supply chain database to promote the development of green building industry
  • LCA software evaluation system, develop green supply chain building materials application software, promote enterprise green supply chain system construction
  • Research on Green Finance and Emission Trading Services to Promote the Formation of Construction Carbon Trading Market
  • Environmental information disclosure assessment of listed building materials enterprises, forming a green supply chain building materials application system, constraining the environmental impact of manufacturing
  • Related policy research
  • Building materials construction pilot


Room 313, 3/F, Platinum Bay Plaza, Block B, 99 Bund Road, North Bund, Shanghai, China. ZIP: 200082

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